Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Virgin Chef

A place where we can share beginning cooking ideas and also answer any relationship questions you may have!!


Chez Us said...

Hey Up the Creek, we can not wait to hear about some new and refreshing cooking ideas while learning some new things about relationships! Are you like Dr. Phil?

Virgin Chef said...

Yes I am!!

wackyduck said...

I agree, senor Virgin. Wine is a wonderful social lubricant and can result in deep, penetrating conversation.

Anonymous said...


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I wanted to reach out to you to ask for your feedback on these widgets (feel free to install them on your blog, if you feel they are a good fit). I'm sorry for leaving this message via a comment, it's not at all our intent to spam you ( which is why i'm leaving this comment on an older post and you can always remove this comment ). Again, we would love to hear your feedback.

Alisha Wright